Episode 1: What Determines a Rod’s Action?
Tenkara Tanuki Founder Luong Tam explains exactly how and why our tenkara rods perform the way they do.
Tenkara Tanuki Founder Luong Tam explains exactly how and why our tenkara rods perform the way they do.
I love Umpqua tools because of their smart designs, solid construction, and comfort. The River Grip Clamp is a popular one among fly fishers and I’ve had a pair for a while in the standard 2-finger hole model. They’re great, but I’m always looking to improve streamside ergonomics and recently
It’s the time of year again when “everybody’s Irish”. I must admit, though I’ve never been to Ireland nor have any heritage from the old sod, I do feel a certain affinity towards all things Irish. One of my favorite authors (Oscar Wilde) is Irish. My favorite pipes and tobaccos
It’s no secret that I’m a fan of Tanuki rods. They’ve become an icon in the tenkara industry and I own several, including a Pocket Ninja, Snow 325, and Ninja. Their rods are known for being incredibly light, sensitive, and visually unique–instantly recognizable from afar. I’m also a good friend
It’s one of the questions I hear the most … “where can I buy tenkara flies?” I usually preface my answer by breaking the news that local fly shops don’t really carry tenkara-style flies so that means they’ll have to be purchased online. Fortunately, there are a number of talented
This is one of my two new wooden fly boxes that arrived today from Japan. This box is handmade by Japanese woodworker Kazuo Kurahashi (AKA “Kura-san“) and is constructed of hinoki (Japanese Cypress)–a popular wood in Japan used to build everything from furniture to shrines and temples. Hinoki has a
If you read my recap of the 2023 Denver Fly Fishing Show, you may recall that I discovered a company called ESZ. If you’ve never heard of them, don’t worry. Neither had I! Naturally, I had to investigate. I ended up talking quite extensively with the owner Ziye Zhang (who
In pop culture, the concept of “Occam’s Razor” is commonly understood as, “the simplest explanation is usually the best.” This isn’t quite right. I believe it’s more accurate to say, “when faced with differing theories, you should pursue the one that requires the fewest number of assumptions.” In other words,
Is a travel mug an “essential” piece of fly fishing gear? It is for me. Coffee gets you going the morning of a trip, makes the long car ride seem shorter, helps you endure your fishing partner, and stimulates creativity at the tying desk. Without apology, I’m one of those
One of the drawers in my fly tying desk is labelled “Special Threads”. It’s an eclectic collection of top-secret oddball spools I’ve collected over the years and also where I keep any specialty threads such as silk, Kevlar, 17/0 Trico thread, etc.. I consider this my “inspiration” drawer because I
My first “tenkara net” was the one Daniel Galhadro (founder of Tenkara USA) gave me back in 2011. It was the original Tenkara USA tamo and for a while, was one of only a handful of authentic Japanese style nets available (at least as far as we knew). It was
Giveaway Ends Sunday March 4th, 2023 This contest has ended (The winners have been notified by email and announced on the Tenkara Talk facebook page) Countdown I’ll admit, I love gadgets! Trinkets, gizmos, widgets, doodads, doohickeys, thingamabobs, and especially thingamajigs. As fly anglers, I think we all do! After all,
Jason Klass is a former fly fishing guide & casting instructor based in Colorado. He was an early adopter of tenkara in the West and has been fishing the method for a variety of species since 2009. Read more
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