For some people, fishing is a hobby. For others it’s a way of life. My friend and #1 fishing partner Dennis Vander Houwen has been writing about the tenkara lifestyle since 2013 on his blog, Tenkara Path. When we’re not fishing together, Dennis and I often meet up to tackle a wide variety of tenkara-related topics over coffee. And in this episode, you’ll catch a glimpse of how our typical conversations go as we explore how to take your tenkara fishing beyond the stream and into every day life.
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Totally agree on not having to understand everything about Tenkara in order to enjoy it. Right now, I’m just learning how to fish. I have bought all my flys. They are a black box to me right now. At some point in my learning curve, I may get interested in tying flies but right now, I just want to go fishing!
I like that analogy of the “black box”. It sounds like you’ve got the right attitude! Good luck and feel free to contact me if you have questions.
P.S. Keep an eye out for episode 4. It’s about approaches to fly selection. You might find that helpful.