It’s with great sadness today that I announce my resignation from Tenkara USA. Some of you might know that about two months ago, I joined the Tenkara USA team to help out with marketing and content development. It was a great opportunity and of course I jumped at the chance but after getting into it, I found that it wasn’t feasible due to one factor that I overlooked: time. I have a full time job and a three-month old daughter (Emma). Any of you who have kids know that it’s hard enough to balance a career and a baby, let alone a second job. Plus, my wife also works full time and is about to start college again. It just became too overwhelming. Basically, I worked all day at my 9-5, then came home and had to work the rest of the evening. I didn’t have any time to help take care of my daughter or spend quality time with her or my wife. Emma does something new every day and I don’t want to miss it. This is an important time in my life (one that will never be repeated) and I really want to savor it. I can’t do that with two jobs. So, it just made sense to quit.
I have to say it was a hard decision. I really like Tenkara USA as a company and it was great working directly with Daniel. Luckily, I will still be able to work with them in a part-time capacity that might include working trade shows or other projects from time to time.
On a more positive note, I will now be able to devote more time to the Tenkara Talk blog, which I’ve mostly ignored since taking the position. The nice thing is that I will now have the freedom to post when I want and still be able to spend time with my family. Hopefully, that will be a more healthful balance.
good decision, the right one. balance in all things, and family is the centre. I made a similar choice 19+ years ago.
BTW, it gets easier in 20 years from now…..yep!
Everyone keeps telling me it gets “easier”. When man?
Good move Jason. Your sadness at leaving Tenkara USA will be short lived. Your sadness at staying at Tenkara USA and denying your family your time would last forever.
Hi Mr.Klass

why you must explain your decision? That’s your private thing. You build your position in tenkara world on the best way. Your knowledge and your helpful posts are best reference for you. You knew how to build it. Jason, you are brand name in tenkara world, with or without any company. Have a good time with your family and continue to write at your (and our) Tenkara Talk . Best wishes and good luck
Thanks Miroslav! I appreciate it.
You did the right thing. Good for you for choosing your family.
Glad that the blog is going to be picking up again!
I think kids get easier around six months, and super fun around one year. Congratulations, by the way! There’s nothing better than being a dad.
From a guy on the other end of the journey that is parenthood, let me applaud your decision and commitment to being a dad. My baby girl is now out of college and working about 9 hours away from home. My son — my best friend and fishing buddy — is now in his second year of college and becoming increasingly independent. I often found his ‘Dad, let’s go fishing’ requests a bother after a long day at the office. Now, I miss it every time I walk through the door. I know it’s cliche,’ but it does go fast. And it doesn’t necessarily get easier as they age, it changes and the challenges (and consequences) become more significant. It is, however, your most important job. The rewards are far greater than money or fame from any 9-5!!
The best decision you could make! Enjoy your daughter as much as you can. You won’t regret it! Good for you.
Can’t go wrong spending more time with family. You’ll remember Emma’s “firsts” a lot more than the time you would have been working. Plus, there will be more time for me to get you to the Big T.
Everything happens for a reason.
Jason, sorry to hear but a well made decision. whether you realize it now or not it will make a major impact on Emma.
My daughter is starting her senior year in high school with
straight A’s and it still seems not so long ago i had her hand and was walking her to preschool. i took early retirement so i
could spend as much time with her that i could as her mom worked fulltime after a while. It in fact does go by faster than you will realize. Enjoy your time with her!
Glad to hear TT will still be going strong.
Steve P
As a father and grandfather, let me echo the sentiments above. When I feel the press of the foregone years or the stresses of today, I imagine myself that young father and husband again. In many ways that is truly the best time of life. I’m sure Daniel understands.
Smart move … hope things continue in the direction you hope for, and you enjoy it!
Thank you everyone for reaffirming that I made the right decision.
I want to thank you for all the energy you bring to the tenkara community and that you brought to Tenkara USA in the last few weeks. I look forward to continue working with you in different ways as we continue to introduce tenkara in the US.
Thank you,
Tenkara USA, founder
Thanks Daniel. I look forward to what the future has in store for us and am glad I still get to work with you at least in some capacity. Maybe I’ll re-apply for a position at Tenkara USA when my daughter goes off to college.
Im sorry to hear that. but I certainly would never besmirtch anymone more time with their family. good luck Jason
Jason, sorry to see you leave but fully understand and behind you 1000%.
Was nice getting to fish and hang out with you briefly at the summit and hope one day we will cross paths again while out in the tenkara field.
Hi Jason,
We win, (love your blogs), you win, Emma wins, Tenkara USA lose.
Great decision, they will understand…
I have great respect for your difficult decision !
Treasure the moments. Every month is different and brings its own memories. ¡Que les vaya bien! Es un tiempo precioso.
Si, seguro!
Family First, Brother In Laws depends… I have enjoyed your posts always worth reading.
Thanks for sharing. I competely understand and it seems like you are thinking along the right lines. I have an Emma too, she’s nine now and it has been the time of my life watching her grow. You will not regret it.
I can sympathize with you Jason. I am a dad too, to the cutest three year old girl you have even seen. I am hoping to have the cutest fishing buddy on the river too when she gets older.
Oh and I just added your site to my blogroll!
you were true to your word; wow, a new post every day in the next week, outstanding! I love the new-old Jason. all the best for the future.